
Margaret Jarek


mjarek Tuesday July 30, 2019

June 512
June is roses and sun ripened strawberries and twilights that linger long after the day is done and the sun has dipped below the western horizon.

June is the month when we forget that winter even existed and somehow believe its always summer.

June is when the hills are so green it all but overwhelms the senses and we fill our selves with the elixir of golden sunlight.

June is the season of the wild rambling roses that go cavorting along the back roads like troops of carefree children free of the constraints of school.

In my youth June was the month my truly old bike and I would ramble along those back roads always in search of what might be over the next hill and just around the next bend.

June is fresh garden peas and early tender greens from the kitchen garden. It is the soft murmur of neighbors visiting on front porches in the approaching dusk. The night air is laden with the subtle perfume of red clover drifting on the evening breeze.

June is a time to move outside and spend as little time in doors as our duties might require I eat outside and often fall asleep on the garden swing.

June is a state of mind characterized by hope and an awareness that takes in all the beauty that surrounds us and celebrates the fact that we are alive.

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