Like snow white swans drifting steadily across the placid surface of a lake and the cumulus clouds sail in silent grace across the polished surface of a summer sky. They linger there that poets, dreamers and young children might contemplate their beauty and dream that they too can become a part of that slow moving caravan.
Who among us has not attempted to capture in words the shape shifting magic of those summertime cloud formations. It's a dragon! Oh no, now its a camel! And then it shifts and becomes a castle with towering turrets and flying buttresses. But wait, now its a giant butterfly.
There is magic to be found in the timeless artistry of God's creation. But, it requires us to slow down and be aware of all that effervescent magic that is the hallmark of out seasons.
My life long resolution is to be forever a contemplative of stars and clouds and butterflies.
I see my life as a sacred book of hours whose notations are bombarded in garlands of flowers. Whose pages are illustrated with snow flakes and roses.
In a world too often gone askew, I set my compass by the seasons and drift through the years like a cloud in a summer sky.
To quickly our lives can be concluded. There are only so many times we can experience each season as it passes, a few dozen years at best, so I don't want to miss any of the time allocated to me.
Every year the garden is different. Perhaps its different every day. The star patterns shift each night and no cloud stays the same.
So, like some faithful acolyte, it is my privilege to be attentive to each day's magic and to each nights mystery.
An odd vocation I suppose, but never-the-less one that I chose in early childhood and to which I've dedicated all the years of my life.
It will doubtless not change the course of history on the world's grand stage, but then again who can be so sure that it will not.
At the very least if more or us should choose to linger in the embrace of a summer garden or to be enchanted by the shape shifting magic of clouds, it would perhaps deflect just a bit of the anxiety of our restless society.
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